Thursday, May 21, 2009

Me and my shadow finished

Here it is. I compleated it yesterday night but I didn't post it. I thought I will maybe add some more levels but today I decided to just release it. Forst of all I need to say, that the game is more of a prototype. I posted that earlier that I decided to go more this way. So don't expect much from it. But I am realy pleased with the game. Everything worked flawless and I realy got many experiance from working with advanced C++ concepts. I am also very happy about the time that it took. Event that I wasn't realy working much I completed it in IDK 25 days. Could be better but still a big progress from the other two. It means I am getting better. I don't know the hours and lines of code used but I will post that in a postmoterm.

Here is the download link: 

Some pictures:

Many thanks if you download it and please give feedback.



  1. Awesome! I am very impressed. It is a very good game concept and its done very well. There were only a few problems. Level 12 is broken; it crashes the game once you beat level 11. I had to change the level list file to continue. Also, the falling maps were a bit frustrating :P I think it's because the bounding boxes around the characters are too big. Many times I get killed by the spikes but the sprites aren't actually touching.

    I would've liked to see a level where you would have to sacrifice yourself to let your shadow get past. That would be cool.

    Good job!

  2. Thank you, thank you. It is interesting that you liked the game because the feedback on TIGsource is a little diffrent. Some can't get past level 2 ??? I don't know if I missed the control scheme of the shadow or what. But it is what it is: a prototype.

    Yea that is a nice idea. Did yo figure out how to add a level to the game? When you add a level to the list you have to add a "END" to the and of the file.

    Thanks again.

  3. Yes.. i thought it was just me.. I think the game would be good if i got pass level 2.. The jist of the game is good, but since I was stuck on that level for a while.. i even tried to do the shadow-lift-me-up thing still couldnt get it. still goo though.

  4. Well dbomb it is what it is :D I hope my next game will be better. I will probably make it realy simple and arcade like. Don't know :D

  5. im going to keep trying though.

  6. Level 2??? They can't get past it because of a glitch or something?

    Remember that the shadow can touch the exit...

  7. IDK what is the problem. It is probably not a glitch because everything works. Maybe people get confused with the control scheme of the shadow. That the shadow also waits if you wait.

  8. hej! sem videl tvojo igro na slogamedev in sem se odločil malo pogledal kako in kaj, prebral kar velik del tvojega bloga in vidim, da si ustvaril res zakon igro. tale me and my shadow je super. lepa ideja in še boljša izpeljava. zaenkrat sem na 5 stopnji, sam nameravam še kaj več končat :D zelo kul igra, good work.

  9. Hvala lepa za tako lep komentar. Zanimivo, da si me našel :D. Ali misliš, da naj postam špil na slogamedev. Zdi se mi, da forum umira. Imam pa še namen jo objaviti nekam.

    Hvala lepa še enkrat. Bom pa objavil še fixano verzijo ker level 12 ne dela. :P

  10. mah, slogamedev je več ali manj mrtev že kar nekaj časa, na njem pa se nas občasno javlja sam par. zgleda ni v sloveniji nekega hudega entuziazma glede tega. tako, da niti ni nevem kake škode če ne boš, čeravno škoditi pa tudi ne more :)

  11. Fantastic idea! I'm very impressed that someone still makes games as they were done in the good old ZX Spectrum, Commodore, Amiga times – interesting and playable and not just graphically impressive as these days’ games.

  12. Any chance we can have a Linux build? Cheers.

  13. I watched the video about this game on YouTube, and I really love the concept. Maybe I'll try to make a clone.

    Unfortunately, I'm on Linux and can't play the game.
