Hello there. I know it has been some time since my last post. But here is the big announcement. Tomorrow I start doing a video blog. The videos will be posted here. I will do like a development videos. I hope the videos will be interesting in some way :D I will try to make the videos look professional. I will try at least. I think that the first few episodes will be more a presentation of my previous projects but I have to start somewhere. The videos will be in HD quality so yea.
I am currently not working on any project but I think I will start this working this week. I have been slacking a little these days, school and all.
I also found a nice project called Monolith. They have a nice development videos and I would like to create something in that style. Even if I don't work on 1 big project. Here is the link.
Good night for today.
vid's will be more interesting ^^ if you say something, not just show what progress you made.. Well good luck :P