Friday, March 5, 2010

Red's Game Development Episode 1

Here it is. I didn't upload it yesterday because I didn't have any time. And today I uploaded it first, but then got a "video to long" massage. So I had to recreate the video and upload it. Here is a short info from the videos:


Episode 1:
My first video. Please excuse my lack of professionality and some not understandable sentences because of my nerves. I will prepare much more for the next episode, because I am a fluent English speaker but starts are always hard. I had to re voice the first part with the camera if you don't mind.

My introduction is in this episode and some info on how I started game development. Then I show my first 2 projects. Not much but I hope you like it. Thanks for watching. Critics wanted.

Lazy Foo's:
Anomalistic Technologies:

Software used:
Camtasia Studio
Fraps wasn't used in this episode to the gameplay recording are a little slow.


I really recommend to follow the links to YouTube and watch them in HD (720p). I am happy with the quality of the video. It was hard to make talk in a video for a first time even if I am a fluent English speaker. Big thanks if you watch it.

part 1:
part 2:

Good bye.


  1. nice :D what is the paper mans on your table ?
    bad audio quality :( that gonna incrase your subscribers numbers /\_/\
