Saturday, March 27, 2010

Apologise :D

Hello there. I think I owe an apologize to myself and to all of you. One week ago I said I will start working again and that a new video episode is coming. But all I have been doing the whole week (more that that) is... nothing. I was just doing nothing, I'm such a lazy bastard. My Windows also crashed and I did a format (all my files are saved). Well there is one nice thing, I haven't played a game on my PC for more than a week, maybe 2. If I opened a game then it was for 5 minutes but nothing more. All my gaming has moved to the Wii. But I still waste most of the time doing nothing. So this time I won't promise anything but deep in me I feel my development heart is working again. :D I hope that by tomorrow the next episode is going to be up, or maybe on Monday, because YouTubes uploading is slow for me.

A video...

Today I discovered an amazing application for my PC. It is called Trillian. It is just amazing. I linked all my stuff together, MSN, Facebook, Gmail, Skype and even my old Twitter (which I will be using again from now on because it is so nice with Trillian). I have all my updates in a nice looking window on my right and it just saves time. All the updates on these sites are shown in nice notices so you never have to check those sites with you browser to see if there is something new. And did I say that Trillian is free. Go get it. Maybe I will say a little about it in the next video.

That is all for now. I have to update the projects on the right, the last 3 games aren't added.Bye

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Back from reality... with a Wii

Hello there after a very long time. A long time has past since I posted the video and longer since I posted something on my projects. Well here is a little update.

The cause for my lazyness is, that I bought a Wii on Tuesday and have been playing it since. It is awesome. I have been mostly playing Zelda: Twilight Princess and I have to say it is the best Zelda I player, and I played all of them. Except of the CD series. You know how it is when you buy a console, you play and play. 

I am trying not to play too much and work on something but I just wasn't able :D But today I kinda got the wish back to work on something. So I looked a little into Wii programming. I found out that you can use SDL or you can use the native DevKit. But I thought a little about it and games without OpenGL with only SDL would be a step back for me. So if I will chose to start a little with Wii programming then I will use the native DevKit. But I prefer Windows programming because that way everyone can play my games. If I start doing something for wii with total different API then it would only be playable on Wii and some port on PC would not be possible. I will see, maybe some little test apps on Wii but I will stay on my OS.

That's for that. This weekend is a mini LD again with a focus on Retro. Very low resolution and 8 colors. Almost the same as the last. If I will participate then it will be a short GID, because I already made a game on that theme. Maybe I will make it on my own and not in the time of the miniLD, because I love ultra retro games with resolution of 100*100.

Now some info on my Video episodes. Again the Wii took all my time but episode 2 is very near. I will try to show all games till Squared Shooter but I don't want to go over the 10 minute limit on Youtube. If I would make footage for 18 minutes that would go but not 12 minutes like last time. Because then I have to split it in a strange way. People kinda liked the last episode (woah 35 views) so I will keep on making them.

Phew that was a long post. So have a nice day on the other side of the Earth and a good night here. I hope I will work again soon till then... I am of saving Hyrule.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Red's Game Development Episode 1

Here it is. I didn't upload it yesterday because I didn't have any time. And today I uploaded it first, but then got a "video to long" massage. So I had to recreate the video and upload it. Here is a short info from the videos:


Episode 1:
My first video. Please excuse my lack of professionality and some not understandable sentences because of my nerves. I will prepare much more for the next episode, because I am a fluent English speaker but starts are always hard. I had to re voice the first part with the camera if you don't mind.

My introduction is in this episode and some info on how I started game development. Then I show my first 2 projects. Not much but I hope you like it. Thanks for watching. Critics wanted.

Lazy Foo's:
Anomalistic Technologies:

Software used:
Camtasia Studio
Fraps wasn't used in this episode to the gameplay recording are a little slow.


I really recommend to follow the links to YouTube and watch them in HD (720p). I am happy with the quality of the video. It was hard to make talk in a video for a first time even if I am a fluent English speaker. Big thanks if you watch it.

part 1:
part 2:

Good bye.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Blog update

Hello there. I know it has been some time since my last post. But here is the big announcement. Tomorrow I start doing a video blog. The videos will be posted here. I will do like a development videos. I hope the videos will be interesting in some way :D I will try to make the videos look professional. I will try at least. I think that the first few episodes will be more a presentation of my previous projects but I have to start somewhere. The videos will be in HD quality so yea.

I am currently not working on any project but I think I will start this working this week. I have been slacking a little these days, school and all.

I also found a nice project called Monolith. They have a nice development videos and I would like to create something in that style. Even if I don't work on 1 big project. Here is the link.

Good night for today.