Saturday, October 20, 2012

Many changes

Let's address some changes that have happened in the past month.

The move and school

I moved to the city at the end of September. And till now it’s been great.

School is also going good, we will see how it will be in the future. Mathematics is going to be hard despite the fact that I always enjoyed math. Well and that is basically is. I don’t really have anything to say on this topic.


It’s hard to stay focused on my projects right now, school is taking me quite some time. There are always some exercises that I have to do, or seminars, or just plain learning. When I don’t do stuff for school I do something more relaxing, like playing games, guitar or going out. I haven’t worked on the framework for ages. I have to get into the new rhythm. The framework in the main project now, games will come after that (I hope).

I am also thinking about some new side activities. I am thinking about making a new blog for ‘writing’. Stuff that isn’t connected with computing, game development and stuff. Just some random word ramble. I’ll see. I am also trying to get into pixel art. Everything depends on how much time I have.

I’m also in the process of organizing all my previous work. I already sorted all my previous school stuff, and now it’s time to sort my projects. I have to check the source of all projects, clean all the useless stuff that IDEs make that isn’t really required, etc. There are a lot of small projects that need cleaning.

And that’s it for now. I just wanted to post some information here. Bye