Friday, October 21, 2011

Season 2 is here

Hello there.
It seams it takes some time till I post about a new video here on the blog, because the first episode of the new season was released 2 weeks ago. Because of that you may get the feeling I am abandoning this blog, but that is far from the truth. This blog was my first big thing in getting my games "out there" and is still my primary "journal" where I can check what and when I did something, with additional info about it like nowhere else. But it is true that I may not be blogging much. It's much easier to post a short Tweet about a new video or something like that.
I did ask what you would like to see on this blog, but I didn't get much (any) response. I do know that this site hasn't much traffic but still many people come from other sites to this blog and expect something more interesting and in depth, which sadly this blog doesn't really provide. But if anyone still has some ideas I will be glad to hear them. Anyway, I will try to put more effort into the blog in the future.
So anyway, here is the episode. I will try to make a new episode soon, and then another one before I go to Ireland. Yes, I go to Ireland in November. Not long, just a month, to work for a company. It's a school organized trip and I hope it will be interesting and fun :)