Hello there. A small update here, I made a website. A portofolio website to be precise. You know, a really simple site with some description about me and al the games I have done till now... and yea link to this blog.
I made the site using Google Sites builder. The site is also hosted there. I could have tried some html but I don't really mind. All of the "art" on the site is done by me.
Here is the link: https://sites.google.com/site/lukamakesgames/
I won't use a domain for the site, because I will only have it in some links so that people don't get directly redirected here to my blog where I write about how lazy I am :D
I hope I will release something soon, and for thoose 11 games I promies till end of September... well, you could say that I won't make it, TOTALY. But I hope that I make atleast someting.